Economic growth: a saving grace or ultimate sin? Perceptions of rural communities to the growth paradigm.


Humanity’s actions have resulted in severe ecological problems, which stem from the pursuit of economic growth and its establishment as the current dominant paradigm. Yet, turning away from this paradigm and exploring alternatives is limited due to the deep integration of the paradigm into all areas of global societies. It is thought that tackling the issue at its root, through the beliefs, values, and perceived consequences associated with the growth paradigm, and that help to reproduce it, could also aid in altering the discourse and creating more sustainable futures. Little research has gone into understandings such perceptions of growth within individuals in rural communities, therefore Lübker et al. (2021) attempted to fill this gap through their investigation into two rural localities in Lower Saxony, Germany.

The authors selected these localities based on their differing development trajectories, as one locality faced major landscape changes due to rapid agricultural intensification over recent…

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