A sea of flowers for the fight against sustainability crises

Native orchid species on a grassland in Northern Germany. Source: Alina Twerski

In this blog article, Vicky Temperton talks about her passion for grasslands and how grasslands can contribute to mitigating and adapting to the climate crisis. Recently she has been nominated to the advisory board on natural climate solutions to advise the ministry of the environment and the German government with her expertise. She did her PhD on trees under climate change conditions, but then switched to research grasslands, because she sees in this field more potential for the sustainability crises.

Vicky, you are dedicating much research and time to grasslands. Why?

There is a personal and a broader answer. Personally, I grew up in Luxembourg, right next to the grasslands, mainly meadows but also pastures with cows. And I also grew up next to forest. For me, a natural landscape is a biodiverse landscape: species rich grasslands and species rich forests. For example, my neighbour, she was from Italy, and she would go out with me into the grassland, and we’d pick the champignons. I also played football in them. So, I kind of got these relational values, those connection to grasslands from a very early age. Grassland was just the place where I lived, and it was and is massively important to me.

What is the broader answer to your passion about grasslands?

I did my PhD on trees, but then after that, my first postdoc in Jena was on degraded grassland and how it was recovering after pollution from the biggest fertilizer factory for phosphorus in the German Democratic Republic. Grasslands cover about a third to 40% of the earth. So, they are everywhere. And they contribute enormous amounts of biodiversity, or at least they used to, and they contribute enormously to the functioning of systems and landscapes and to their ecosystem services.

Why are grasslands so important?

Most of the plant species that we’re currently losing (the ones on the red list of endangered species), for example, in Germany, are species which live in grasslands. Our study (Staude et al. 2023) looked at species on the Red List and found out that 82% of the species on the Red List need high light and 61% need low nitrogen. Before we looked at the data, I would have said that the main driver for biodiversity loss was the nitrogen. But it’s actually even more the light. This was really shocking and eye opening for me.

Humans and other animals have lived with grasslands for millennia. Recent research has found out that this whole idea that the whole landscape before humans, was just forest is probably not correct. With more and larger herbivores around during the period since the last ice age, the co-called “Temperate Forest Biome” probably resembled wood pastures and woodland as well as thicker forest in many places. Pearce et al. (2023) have shown with their recent pan-European study of pollen evidence that the openness and darkness of what we call forest has been very dynamic over time. This affects what we consider to be the best reference conditions or goal for conservation or restoration.

Grasslands are important for people. There’s now a global grasslands dialog platform, run by the WWF that I’m a member of. We’re pushing this because we feel like this biome is being disregarded and not adequately given the attention it deserves considering it covers one third of the planet and is a baseline for many pastoralist cultures as well as rangeland communities. People do not see it or value it enough and this is visible in current science policy. It’s almost analogous with our society only considering men, not women or other genders, yet other genders make up a large proportion of society.

Source: Pixabay

Do you have an example for the disregarding of grasslands?

The Aktion Natürlicher Klimaschutz (ANK) of the German government is the largest environmental funding ever coming from the German parliament, and yet grasslands are not explicitly positioned in the programme description: analagous to their “disappearance” in the words agriculture, rangeland, or farmland, pasture, they are implicitly included in the chapter on peatlands (but these habitats are only one form of grassland, albeit the one that can store by far the most carbon than any habitat) and implicitly included in Urban Green Spaces, as we as well as the chapter on Soils. No-one deemed them important enough to have their own chapter – this could be called grassland blindness. I do find myself wondering, why we are so grassland blind as a society, when we know that to bend the biodiversity curve in Germany (and elsewhere), we would do well to invest a lot more in recreating species-rich grasslands.

To me, a grassland really involves people living in it or around it, often with their livestock or with wild animals, and managing it because otherwise you can’t have a grassland, you can’t keep it open, unless it’s super dry or super wet, or you reintroduce large herbivores.

That means, the perception about grasslands is also really about, if you see humans as part of nature or if you see them separately…

… yes, and the ironic thing is, people talk about forest as the only natural, but then they’re talking about something like a pine monoculture. In what way is this natural? That’s completely absurd. But we seem to have this ingrained view that everything should be forest. And that’s the natural state, and that grasslands are essentially degraded forests. But we have forgotten the large herbivores. Large herbivores were much more dominant in the past and therefore it was a much more open landscape. Also, fire keeps landscapes open.

This idea of what’s natural is very important. People often think that anything that was natural was the forest. Whereas to me it’s both, it’s going back to the Luxembourg story. Grasslands have been around even before humans, as a key component of the landscape (Pearce et al. 2023).

Forests are seen as important for climate change mitigation. What about grasslands?

There’s a big focus on the trees and, planting trees. But moorland, peatland – they’re grasslands – store way more carbon than the forest. Luckily now Germany has kind of understood this. And so, I’ve just joined the advisory board for the German government on natural climate solution, where peatlands are a major focus, as well as forests, urban spaces, soils, and the marine environment.

If you restore peatlands right and you have the water table at the right level, you can store enormous amounts of carbon. Additionally, a study from California (Dass et al. 2018) found that with business-as-usual climate scenarios, the grasslands will be the only remaining habitat that remains a carbon sink, and does not become a net source. Perhaps they have garnered less attention as they are often considered degraded forests, but studies such as Pearce et al. or the Wood Pasture Hypothesis do not align with this view.

When people are just planting trees, they’re not thinking about that there will be more fires because of climate change or more successful pest attacks as the trees weaken in climate change. The huge jarrah trees (Eucalyptus regnans) in Western Australia are keystone species for this wonderful habitat that has been successfully restored after mining, but the large trees are starting to die after temperatures of over 40 degrees in recent months. We need to factor these drivers of change into our response to global change. We are no longer living in a relatively stable world in terms of abiotic conditions, so when striving to mitigate climate change we need to consider the role of the current already changing environmental conditions.

Besides, trees often die anyway because they don’t establish very well (usually around 30% die after planting unless very good care is taken). After a fire, the carbon has gone again into the atmosphere. Therefore, we need to get that carbon below ground, whether it’s in a forest, a moorland, a peatland or a savanna. Grasslands have a lot of plant materials, roots, below the ground which is very good for carbon storage especially longer-term storage. I think this is the research that’s really important to do now: Find out, when grasslands can store carbon and for how long, and compare this across different habitat types. To what extent we have biodiversity and carbon and when not, and which management actions create which outcomes.

Grassland near Garlstorf at the Elbe

What are you exactly researching?

The big question in our Grassworks project is, what leads to success in grassland restoration. We have three regions: North, East and South of Germany with different partners and we’ve looked at over 180 already restored sites. It was a crazy job because, it took two years to do the field work. We’re doing it from an ecological, social and social-ecological perspective. We’re looking at the economics of grasslands, the value systems and leverage points and vector for change as well as the ecological outcomes of restoration. Some of the sites had as a previous land use grassland, some were crops, some were restored for a long time, some for less time. We have these different factors and then it’s a bit like a huge landscape experiment across the whole of Germany. We’re finally getting the results now, and I can’t tell you too much yet, except for the vegetation, it  is looking like the best option for ecological success in terms of plants is either to use direct hay transfer methods, or to sow wild seed mixtures if you want to recreate a meadow, but the answer does depend on which positive reference site you use – and the quality of these positive sites varies strongly across Germany.

The other research I’m working on with grasslands has a lot to do with history: Does it matter who arrives first or who arrives later? It’s called priority effect research. This is very interesting because you wouldn’t really expect it, but it can have a very big effect on productivity and biodiversity when certain plant species establish before others. In this experiment in the Lüneburger Heide, it’s called POEM – Priority Effect Mechanisms – there we sow either the grasses first and then later the other groups like forbs (fancy flowering plants) and legumes (such as clover) or the other way round. And then we also have a simultaneous treatment as normal in current restoration. The timing has an effect on the roots. We found that if you put the legumes, all the forbs first, astonishingly the roots go deeper. And we don’t know why. What we’re trying to find out now how persistent this effect is and whether we keep finding this effect across different experiments. Because if we could recreate this, then you might be able to have grasslands that are more adapted to drought, because they would have deeper roots and so be better adapted to finding water under drought conditions.

What do you want to examine in the future?

I want to go further in this story of biodiversity and carbon storage of grasslands: What leads to better carbon sequestration? How can you get the extra carbon into the soil? Does it stay there? There’s contradictory research at the moment. And what role does biodiversity play in this? Is the most carbon stored in the more biodiverse sites or not? And no one really knows this yet because it’s such a huge and challenging job to analyse this because soils are incredibly heterogeneous. Each area is affected by what was growing on it there in the past. Recent research on soil heterogeneity by the Thünen Institute for Climate Smart Agriculture (the group of Axel Don) is showing that soils can differ surprisingly strongly within a few metres of each other. The rock-based underneath is generally similar. It shows the power of the biota to change the soils.

I also want to expand my work on social-ecological aspects of restoration success. The biggest bottleneck for grassland restoration or biodiversity of grasslands is that they’re not valued enough and there are not yet incentives to maintain ore create new species-rich grasslands, especially for farmers. And so, it is also about the motivation for farmers to create specie rich grassland – giving them money and value from society for doing nature-friendly and carbon friendly farming as a contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation and bending the biodiversity curve. There isn’t much of an incentive right now.

Once we interviewed farmers in the Lüneburger Heide and asked, what’s keeping you from going for more of these GAP greening programs or getting the subsidies for that kind of thing? We had the hypothesis that the reason why they weren’t doing it was because it’s a lot of bureaucracy. Turns out, no, it’s actually what the others are doing. So, they’re looking at each other and deciding what they do based on their peer group. And this shows that there is a lever or change.

What should politics do?

I’m hoping, that when we finish the Grassworks project, that we’ll have some concrete recommendations. I think financial incentives could play a big role, but also the leverage related to connections and relational values, I think if people experience this kind of biodiversity more, if they’re used to it and seeing it in the landscape as well as knowing all the benefits we derive from it, I think then then they’d be more interested in saving or restoring it.

Interview by Mareike Andert

Read more about the topics here:

Dass, Pawlok et al. (2018): Grasslands may be more reliable carbon sinks than forests in California. Environ. Res. Lett. 13 074027. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/aacb39.

Pearce, Elena A. et al. (2023): Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterized the temperate forest biome before Homo sapiens. Sci. Adv. 9. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi9135.

Staude, Ingmar R. (2023): Prioritize grassland restoration to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Restoration Ecology, 31, 5. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13931

Beyond the crop: Diversified farming for long-term sustainable agriculture?

“Agriculture is one of the main drivers of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, and its impact is expected to grow further with the increasing population. Converting our current agricultural system to a more sustainable one is essential if we want to achieve the IPBES strategic goals of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services and the sustainable development goals.” (Rosa-Schleich et al., 2024)

At the core of diversified farming lies the concept of agroecology — a system of farming that emphasizes ecological principles such as biodiversity, soil health, and natural resource conservation. By integrating various crops, livestock, and other elements into a single farming system, diversified farmers aim to create resilient and sustainable food production systems that benefit both people and the planet.

The principle of agroecology and its components.
(Source: iStock)

Adjacent to the diversity of this type of farming, there are also diverse perceptions farmers have of the ecological-economic performance of diversified farming. While some farmers emphasize the environmental benefits, such as improved soil fertility, enhanced biodiversity, and reduced reliance on chemical inputs, others focus on the economic advantages, such as increased farm income, diversified revenue streams, and enhanced market opportunities.

Why diversified farming?

For many farmers, the decision to adopt diversified farming practices is driven by a desire to mitigate risks and adapt to changing environmental conditions. By diversifying their crops and livestock, they are better able to withstand the impacts of climate change, pest outbreaks, and market fluctuations, ensuring the long-term resilience and viability of their farming operations.

Crop diversity and diversified farming can help to withstand changing environmental conditions.
(Source: iStock)

But the benefits of diversified farming extend “beyond the crop”. By enhancing ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and water regulation, diversified farming systems contribute to broader environmental goals such as biodiversity conservation, soil health, and climate change mitigation. In this way, diversified farmers can play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and resilience of the natural ecosystems upon which we all depend.

Hesitation towards diversified farming

Yet, despite its many benefits, diversified farming is not without its challenges. A lot of farmers are still hesitant towards applying diversified farming. They may see barriers such as limited access to markets, technical knowledge, and financial resources, as well as social and cultural norms that favor conventional farming practices. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that includes supportive policies, extension services, market incentives, and farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing.

So, what does this mean?

Diversified farming has a lot of potential to transform our agricultural systems and create a more sustainable future for all. By embracing the principles of agroecology and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, diversified farming can protect the planet, build resilient communities, and provide food for people. However, there is still a need for environmental policy to consider the different perceptions farmers have of diversified farming,

If you want to read more about this topic, you can find the whole paper HERE.

Rosa-Schleich, J., Loos, J., Ferrante, M., Mußhoff, O., & Tscharntke, T. (2024). Mixed farmers’ perception of the ecological-economic performance of diversified farming. Ecological Economics, 220, 108174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108174

Text by Isabelle Andres

Dying beauties – Better Research for Coastal Regions needed: Transdisciplinary Anticipatory Research

Source: Pixabay

Coasts provide special habitats for a wide variety of life forms. They also protect against erosion caused by storm surges and other large waves such as tsunamis. However, whether in Europe, Southeast Asia or Africa – coastal ecosystems are threatened worldwide due to anthropogenic sustainability crises such as the climate crises or pollution. People in the Global South in particular suffer from the consequences of changing coasts due to (neo-)colonialism, globalization and capitalism as well as unstable political and economic conditions.

“The literature review interestingly showed that (a) anticipatory research in the Global South has relatively speaking not increased over the last decade, and (b) much focus in transdisciplinary transformative research is on “past and current state” analyses and not on visioning.”

Maraja Riechers from SES-Institute

Relying solely on traditional academic knowledge may not be sufficient to protect those coasts and to facilitate the emergence of alternative sustainable visions, researchers from the SES-Institute at the Leuphana University are convinced. On the contrary, scientific efforts must innovate transformative methodologies and methods to support sustainable visions. Anticipation research in combination with transdisciplinary research is key in promoting sustainability transformation by enhancing alternative future scenarios in collaboration with stakeholders. Innovative research methods can create imaginative spaces, introducing novel ways of living and emphasizing radical, innovative, and sustainable goals to drive transformation towards a more sustainable future.

Therefore, Maraja Riechers, Lilly Baumann and colleagues analysed the extent to which transdisciplinary approaches applied to cases in the Global South consider ‘anticipation of the future’ of coastal systems. To answer this, they conducted a systematic literature review analysing 256 peer reviewed articles.

The systematic literature review revealed that the majority of the reviewed articles focused on analyzing past and current states instead of research on plausible futures, transition strategies or visioning research. The use of anticipation research, if conducted, primarily emphasized plausible and (im)probable futures, rather than pluralistic or performative scenarios, and aimed to enhance present capacities rather than mobilize or question various social actors and political implications in the current context. Articles utilizing anticipation methods seldom explored the connection between anticipation and sustainability transformation.

Transform framework with integrated numbers of articles found in each step, represented by the size of the circles. One article could perform more than one step of the framework. Adapted from (Wiek and Lang 2016).

Distribution of reviewed articles describing transdisciplinary and transformative research that work with (grey) and without (black) anticipation approaches specifically and from 2001 to 2020 in percent (legend on the left); number of articles in this literature by time (legend on the right).

Approaches to anticipatory governance with integrated numbers of articles found in each approach, represented by the size of the circles. One article could apply more than one step of the framework. Adapted from (Muiderman et al. 2020).

However, combining transdisciplinary and anticipation research can synergistically drive sustainability transformation. This combined approach can incorporate diverse perspectives and values of stakeholders, fostering alternative visions to challenge unsustainable narratives.

Their findings suggest enhancing the integration of transdisciplinary and anticipation methodologies in research to highlight alternative visions of sustainability that may already exist and to amplify diverse values, epistemologies, and ontologies.

By doing so, future visions may become more inclusive and reflective of realities in the Global South. Anticipating the future through transdisciplinary methods can lay the groundwork for managing future environmental and societal challenges adaptively. This approach can offer insights to identify, mitigate, or prevent governance actions leading to undesirable future outcomes. Integrating anticipation and foresight into transdisciplinary research holds promise for realizing innovative and sustainable future visions.

Using transdisciplinary anticipatory research offers the opportunity to produce knowledge which could lead to meaningful contributions to protect and sustain coastal regions, their ecosystems and values for people.

Lilly Baumann is the first author of the paper and did this research for her bachelor thesis.

This article is part of a (completed) working group of the German Commission on Sustainability (Deutschen Kommission Nachhaltigkeit (DKN)) of Future Earth. More information here.

Read the full paper here.

Lilly Baumann, Maraja Riechers, Louis Celliers & Sebastian C. A. Ferse (2023). Anticipating and transforming futures: a literature review on transdisciplinary coastal research in the Global South, Ecosystems and People, 19:1, 2288957

Text by Mareike Andert

Celebrating Students & their Research on Biodiversity

Source: Pixabay

The Pinova Festival is the crowning glory of a module of the sustainability science minor at the Leuphana University. For two years, the students intensively researched biodiversity at a local orchard, surpassing themselves and their lecturers in the process. At the end of January 2024, the current cohort presented their research results in a variety of creative ways at the Pinova Festival ranging from videos to games.

Prof. Dr. Vicky Temperton and Prof. Dr. Berta Martin-Lopez are in charge of this module, where other lecturers are also contributing: Manuel Pacheco-Romero, Miguel A. Cebrian-Piqueras, Emanuela W. A. Weidlich, Milena Gross, and Eva Völler.

Sumirti Singaravelu supported the module as the student assistant studying sustainability science in her minor herself and in her major economics. Prof. Dr. Berta Martin-Lopez and  Sumirti Singaravelu share their impressions from the module and the festival.

The minor

“With the study program, we want to have an impact in the world and one in this orchard. The idea of the minor was basically to gain the skills for transdisciplinary science. You cannot do this in one semester. So that’s why we decided to go for these two years.

What I like about the minor is the evolution of the students. At the beginning, they do not see where they are going. They feel lost and we say them ‘trust in the process’. I like to see how much they grow. The way they discuss – it’s amazing. They spoke in the panel discussion at the festival way better than many scientists I have seen with professorships.” Berta

The students can try things out, learn from each other and apply their knowledge in practice. Since the students have different majors, they bring different perspectives and knowledge to the minor and can thus learn a lot from each other and also make knowledge from the minor fruitful in the major and vice versa.

“One of the beauties of this minor is that you can cross-pollinate ideas from different majors. For instance, if I’m using some statistics in the minor, I actually go back to my economics statistics class in order to check whether I can transfer some of the ideas.” Sumirti

Four special semesters…

… in the first semester the students learn the concepts of sustainability.

… in the second semester they get an idea of the methods and develop own research questions.

… in the third and fourth semester they do their own research projects, e.g. sampling and monitoring butterflies or mammals to answer their research questions.

“The first two semesters the lecturers encourage us to get associated with theoretical ideas behind ecological restoration and conservation. While the last two semesters are a one year project. We do work the theories in practical in the orchard. So, it’s like one year of full theory and one year of full practice.” Sumirti

The festival

“I like ending the minor program with a festival first, because it is like a celebration of the work of the students. This way the students engage way more than they would if it would be an exam. The Pinova Festival is organized by the science communication group, but everyone has to chip in because the success of the festival is when every group present their results in an innovative way. It fosters collaboration with the whole cohort.

I like very much that the Pinova Festival is a surprise because we know what the students are doing, but we don’t know how they are going to present it. It will always bring a surprise to us and the rest of the audience.

Yeah. So basically, what I like is that it allows the students to be creative, it allows them to fly, it allows them to collaborate, and all of these bring better results that an exam.”


From a horse paddock to a biodiversity rich orchard

The current cohort of students analysed different aspects of biodiversity at a local orchard in four different groups:

  • Understory-Pollinator group doing research on pollinators.
  • Butterfly group analysing butterflies in the orchards.
  • Camera Trap group tracking mammals and birds.
  • Outreach group responsible for the science communication and organising the festival. Watch their documentary here.

Students from the Leuphana University have done experiments in the orchards since 2016. They planted different trees, did experiments and manged the area. Over the years biodiversity has increased: more butterflies, more pollinators, more mammals.

The Orchard has been a site of ecological restoration and a long-standing initiative of the Traditional Orchard Club of Lüneburg. The Leuphana University has joined hands with them since 2016. The Orchard was restored from a former 2.700 square metres large horse paddock. It has 15 apple trees, 2 cherry trees, and 1 pear tree. It is surrounded by agricultural fields, private residencies, and an old train track.

Because of that, it is not just a module, but a long-term biodiversity monitoring program: Each cohort analyses biodiversity from different perspectives in the orchard. The student groups then pass their knowledge to the next cohort.

“Although there are different students working on the orchard, each of them brings their own ideas to make their research better. The interesting thing to me is that every year we get better and better because the students are improving from the past generations to the point that, for example, they also go way beyond the skills of the lecturers.” Berta

Major results from the current cohort

The Understory-Pollinator detected less pollinators and the Butterfly group detected less butterflies. They analysed how this is connected to the weather conditions.

The Camera Trap group tracked less big mammals but more small mammals, e.g., rabbits and raccoons, and new deer and sub-species, because they changed the position of the camera and used a new AI called Agouti. It is an AI created by Wageningen University and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest to classify species from the images.

You can have a look at the flyers with their results and the list of authors here.

The Outreach group produced science communication and organised the festival. Watch their documentary here.

Abstract economics vs. practical work in the orchard

“In economics, we mostly deal with models. But when you come to the orchard and when you actually look and deal with the real-life research, you get to know that there are several things which are not actually compatible with the models.” Sumirti

Through the theoretical foundation plus the subsequent practical application of knowledge about biodiversity and conservation, students learn much more in the orchard than would be possible in the lecture hall.

“When we talk about climate change in environmental economics, we deal with ideas or concepts which are far away from me, e.g., carbon trading. In the orchard, it is different: Once a team of volunteers mowed the grass in such a way that instead of cutting the grass completely, it just cuts in such a way that the water content of the grass doesn’t go out completely. So, there is still wetness in the grass. And so, this is one of the ways to retain the grass from getting burnt due to the high temperature. Besides, this is cost efficient, it reduces the CO2 that is being produced from the mowing and most importantly, this new technology actually protects 88% of diversity in the orchard. So, economics bring extremely complex solutions. But actually, all you need is to have a good machinery to do the mowing.” Sumirti

Forming personal relationships with nature in the orchard – feeling at home

“A beauty of this minor is that many of the students are not necessarily in contact with nature in their majors and through the minor, there is no other way out. They have to spend one semester in the orchard. The students were reporting that it was remarkable for them because suddenly they develop relational values, human-nature connections. One of the students highlighted his experience with butterflies and said that it was like the most beautiful thing he done in his life, catching butterflies and releasing the butterflies. So, it also touches their lives in the sense how they connect with nature and how they connect with others through nature.” Berta

“I come from India, which is a very tropical country. And so, I cannot spot all German trees and name them, but I do know about them, I do know that this tree is this and this tree has this property. But once I came to Germany, one of my major problems was that I just couldn’t have any value of any relationship to any of the plants around me, which actually was off putting because I am doing this minor, which is in ecological conservation. But I couldn’t have a story apart from the name and the size and the biological taxonomy of the tree.

So, I asked the other students: ‘can you give me a memory which you have associated with your trees, or can you talk about your trees in your childhood?’ So that’s one of my ways to develop my relationship with my surroundings in Germany.

I think this is really important for someone who is coming to Germany as an immigrant in order to be local and also to reduce the foreignness for a land.

I can now identify the different trees and when I see an oak tree, there are memories of my friends which they have shared their stories about it. And I often connect with the tree through those stories.”


Text Mareike Andert

Bone, skin, and story: fragments of Great Auk extinction

A guest article by Lucia Snyderman, Vermont, USA

Figure 1. The Great Auk

Are we in the midst of a sixth mass extinction? Species extinction has largely been driven by environmental change over geological timescales, with the K-Pg extinction (the one that killed off the dinosaurs) being a notable event where a large diversity of species went extinct due to an asteroid collision. However, in more recent times, especially over the past 10,000 years, humans have begun to play an important role in the extinction process and biodiversity decline on global scales. When a species goes extinct, we are left with fragments. Sometimes bones, skins, and historical testimonies are the only remains that reflect what once was. We can only study what is available to us, and so it is from these fragments that we attempt to tell a story. We turn to the Great Auk as a lesson in human-driven extinction to guide coexistence between us and other species for the future.

The Great Auk, a large flightless seabird that went extinct in the mid-1800s, was a witch. A witch?! At least, that is what Scottish legend would have us believe. According to three Scottish fishermen, the last Great Auk ever seen alive was captured on the islet of Stac an Armin, St. Kilda, Scotland, strangled, and beaten to death in the year 1844 because it was a storm-causing witch that threatened their lives (The Extinction of the Great Auk; Figure 1). This story highlights the unknowns that remain regarding where and when the last Great Auk was, and demonstrates that not all reports may be valid.

From the bones recovered at archaeological sites and reported sightings, we know that the species occurred along both sides of the North Atlantic ocean on coastlines, and its range contracted to only a couple populations by the 1800s. Its last confirmed capture was on Eldey Island, Iceland in 1844 (Greenway, 1958). The Great Auk was first hunted for its meat by fishermen and then later for its feathers, which demanded large-scale unsustainable harvesting. This occurred more rapidly first in Europe, and then expanded west to North America. It was the commercial demand for feathers that was primarily responsible for extirpating the species (Cartwright, 1792), making the last few strongholds of individuals more vulnerable to proximate causes of extinction. English Captain George Cartwright foretold the Great Auk’s extinction on July 25, 1785 at Funk Island, Canada:

…it has been customary of late years for several crews of men to live all the summer on that island, for the sole purpose of killing birds for the sake of their feathers; the destruction which they have made is incredible. If a stop is not put soon to that practice the whole breed will be diminished to almost nothing, particularly the penguins: for this is now the only island they have left to breed upon. (Cartwright, 1792)

In 1830, a volcanic eruption on Geirfuglasker, Iceland – one of the known last strongholds for the species – hastened its extinction as the last few individuals relocated to Eldey Island, Iceland. This island was much closer to the mainland and more accessible by boat whereas travel to Geirfuglasker had been a dangerous feat (Bengston, 1984). Ironically, the last few individuals were killed by people sent by natural history museum collectors, desiring to obtain the last few individuals for their collections. Unlike today, conservation was not the priority, even for museums and ornithologists in the 19th century. In 1812, a fisherman received £15 (£1,120.37 today or $1,488.37) for selling a Great Auk to the British Museum (Grieve, 1885). Dr. Jessica Thomas conducted population viability analysis for Great Auks across their entire range, confirming that humans were primarily responsible for driving the species to extinction; all impact scenarios including a 10.5% harvest rate (far below reported historical harvest rates) resulted in rapid extinction within a few centuries (Thomas et al., 2019).

However, many unknowns remain regarding the species extinction. Was Iceland the only last stronghold for the species? Why did certain populations disappear earlier whereas others persisted longer? What do human-auk relationships show us? We seek to answer these questions with extinction timing modeling and cultural analysis.

Figure 2. Auks painted by Archibald Thorburn, including the Great Auk in the lower middle

Researchers at Middlebury College in Vermont have recently compiled the first comprehensive database of all existing radiocarbon dates and sighting dates for the Great Auk across its entire North Atlantic range (manuscript in preparation for publication). They employed extinction timing models to compare estimates between datasets and populations. Sighting-based estimates suggest extinction occurred within two decades following the last capture (i.e., the 1840s to 1860s), with the North-West Atlantic population going extinct about the same time as the North-East Atlantic population (1860 CE). However, there is much greater uncertainty of extinction for the North-West Atlantic population and radiocarbon data prematurely estimates extinction timing for the entire range, precipitating the need for more radiocarbon dates on geologically recent material. This suggests that Iceland may not be the only last stronghold for the species, but more radiocarbon dates are needed to truly determine Great Auk presence in regions of North America near the “true” extinction date.

Middlebury College researchers also approached these questions from an anthropological angle. They synthesized the existing information on Great Auk occurrence and compared human-Great Auk relationships – utilizing historical, ethnographic, and archaeological sources – across the species’ entire Holocene North Atlantic range leading up to extinction in 1844 (manuscript in preparation for publication). They found stark contrasts in Great Auk use between Indigenous and European settler-colonist communities, demonstrating that European populations were overexploited first followed by North American populations which later experienced the introduction of exploitative dynamics. For instance, the Indigenous People of Newfoundland, the Beothuk, revered the Great Auk and called it “Apponath”. In one human grave dating about four thousand years ago, there was a bone hairpin with an effigy of a Great Auk’s head as well as over 150 upper mandibles positioned around the body indicating that they constituted part of a feathered cape (Tuck, 1976). The Great Auk clearly had symbolic value in this culture. In contrast, European settler-colonists generally exploited the bird for profit and engaged in cruel and unsustainable harvest practices. This cultural analysis reveals the importance of considering differing human harvest practices when studying how a species range collapses over time, and why certain populations might persist longer than others. 

Why should we study the Great Auk, or any extinct species? Seabirds, or species that rely on the marine environment for some part of each year, are currently the most threatened group of any living group of birds. Of 346 extant seabird species, 97 (28%) are globally threatened, and another 10% are listed as Near Threatened. Three species are classified as extinct: The Large St Helena Petrel (Pterodroma rupinarum), Small St Helena Petrel (Bulweria bifax), and the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) (Croxall et al., 2012). Examining a seabird’s range collapse and extinction, such as that of the Great Auk, is of great importance as it offers insight into how seabird populations today may undergo varying trajectories of decline and recovery, as well as how to prevent future human-driven extinctions. The extinction of the Great Auk is not an isolated event but a continuation of a pattern of avian extinction on islands and coastlines. A pattern that we can change with evidence-based and human-driven conservation.

We can learn from the extinction of the Great Auk, conserve animals for future use and appreciation, and redefine the 21st century as a human success in restoring Earth’s biodiversity. As Peter Nielsen, a Danish merchant from South Iceland, wrote a century ago “the fate of the Great Auk should teach us to treat with caution those birds that are becoming fewer…and remember that we must pass the bird populations we have inherited from earlier generations on to the generations that follow us (Icelandic Museum of Natural History, 2016).

Lucia Snyderman is a recent college graduate from Middlebury College in Vermont, where she majored in Biology and studied the extinction dynamics of a flightless seabird, the Great Auk, for her senior thesis. She plans to continue investigating how humans and climate change impact species through time in graduate school.

Figure 1. The Great Auk: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/the-bizarre-story-of-britains-last-great-auk–468655904969179126/


Bengtson, S-A. (1984). Breeding Ecology and Extinction of the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis): Anecdotal Evidence and Conjectures. The Auk, 101(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1093/auk/101.1.1

Cartwright, G. (1792). A journal of transactions and events, during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador containing many interesting particulars, both of the country and its inhabitants, not hitherto known. Allin and Ridge.

Croxall, J. P., Butchart S. H. M., Lascelles, B., Stattersfield, A. J., Sullivan, B., Symes, A., & Taylor, P. (2012). Seabird conservation status, threats and priority actions: a global assessment. Bird Conservation International, 22(1), 1–34. doi:10.1017/S0959270912000020

Greenway, J. C. (1958). Extinct and vanishing birds of the world. Spec. Publ.

Grieve, S. (1885). The great auk, or garefowl (alca impennis, Linn.): Its history, archaeology, and remains. Grange Publishing Works.

Icelandic Museum of Natural History. (2015). The Great Auk – Geirfugl (Pinguinus impennis) – Treasure. The Extinction of the Great Auk. Audubon. https://johnjames.audubon.org/extinction-great-auk

Thomas J. E. (2019). Demographic reconstruction from ancient DNA supports rapid extinction of the great auk. eLife. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.47509

Tuck, J. A. (1976). Ancient People of Port au Choix. St. John’s: Institute of Social and Economic Research. Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Secrets of the coffee forest: Tree diversity is key!

Don’t we all love a good cup of coffee in the morning before work? Or to catch up with friends in the afternoon? Coffee goes a long way from the field to our cups. But how exactly does coffee production look like? And what does tree diversity have to do with it? No worries! Here are all the answers…

A lot of coffee production takes place in Bolivia. Here, you can even find speciality coffee production which enables farmers to earn premium prices for high-quality coffee. It is mostly done in so-called coffee-based agroforestry systems. This is basically a combination of agriculture and forestry revolving all around coffee. Those specialty coffee farms are a hidden treasure because they harbor not just beans but a diverse array of trees, each playing a vital role in the delicate balance of ecosystems.

A typical coffee farm in Bolivia. (Source: iStock)

The trees, often overlooked amidst the sea of coffee plants, are the unsung heroes of the farm as they provide habitat for wildlife, conserve soil health and enhance the resilience of ecosystems. But what determines the diversity of trees within these coffee farms? Is it purely the result of environmental factors, or do socioeconomic influences also play a role? What is the relationship between farmers, their land, and the natural world surrounding them?

A recent study by Torrico et al. (2023) sought to answer these questions, and what the researchers discovered is pretty interesting. It turns out that both biophysical and socioeconomic factors exert a significant influence on tree diversity within coffee farms:

  • On the one hand, environmental factors such as altitude, slope, and soil characteristics promote tree diversity within coffee farms. For example, farms situated at higher altitudes tend to host a greater diversity of trees, as they provide more favorable conditions for a variety of tree species to thrive. Similarly, farms with steeper slopes and richer soils tend to harbor higher tree diversity, reflecting the ecological preferences of different tree species.
  • On the other hand, socioeconomic factors like the provision of useful products besides coffee influence tree diversity within the agroforestry system. For instance, species that yield valuable resources like fruits, timber, or medicinal products tend to be preferred by farmers, as well as those that are advantageous for the coffee.

The implications of the study’s findings are profound. They underscore the importance of adopting holistic approaches to agricultural management that take into account both environmental and socioeconomic factors. However, we need more research on how biodiversity affects the social and economic viability of coffee farms.

Coffee, trees and the farmer – they’re all connected… (Source: iStock)

So, next time you enjoy your cup of coffee, maybe think about how much science is behind this “elixir of life”. There are quite some people for whom coffee is not just the start of the working day – it actually makes up their entire work.

If you would like to explore this topic further, you can find the whole paper HERE.

Torrico, G. G., Antezana Alvarado, N., Pacheco, L. F., Benavides‑Frias, C., & Jacobi, J. (2023). Socioeconomic and biophysical factors affect tree diversity in farms producing specialty coffee in Caranavi, Bolivia. Agroforestry Systems, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-023-00920-5

Text by Isabelle Andres