What are the most relevant indicators for social-ecological archetype mapping? A data-driven methodological routine in Andalusia, Spain


Human-nature interactions and social-ecological systems (SES) research is becoming increasingly significant as biodiversity and climate change result in more attention being paid to these relationships and what characterizes such systems. Different approaches to detecting, mapping and characterizing SESs have been an important tool in empirically researching these, yet few studies have looked at indicators and variables which can help to map and identify diversity in SESs. Thus, Pacheco-Romero et al. (2022) proposed using a data-driven methodological routine to investigate and identify the most relevant indicators for mapping and characterizing SES archetypes in a particular region. Identifying these indicators could allow for the development of a more holistic and standardized way of managing, researching, and monitoring social-ecological systems.

Ohanes, Santuario de Tices, Luajar de Andarax (2014).

The authors investigated the relevance of 86 SES indicators in Andalusia, Spain, as a case study, by applying a methodological routine based on multivariate statistical…

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