Relations matter for transformative change! A leverage points perspective on social networks of sustainability initiatives from Southern Transylvania


Local actors with their sustainability initiatives can contribute to fundamental changes in unsustainable human-environment systems and thereby foster societal change. Through amplification processes, however, initiatives can purposely increase their transformative impact. In the context of their study area in Southern Transylvania (Romania), Lam et al. (2020) adopted a leverage points perspective to explore where in the system non-governmental organizations (NGOs) intervene jointly with their collaborators. To this end, they conducted a social network analysis. In a second step, the authors highlighted patterns of the NGOs’ positions in the social networks and the amplification processes they applied.

The study by Lam et al. (2020) is based on the leverage points framework formulated by Meadows (1999) and refined by Abson et al. (2017). The study focuses on how relations between NGOs can intervene in the four system characteristics: parameters, feedbacks, design, and intent of a system. The first two system characteristics…

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