Water is Life: Exploring the Forest-Water Nexus in a Mexican Watershed


Water ecosystem services (ESw) play a central role in human well-being: they provide drinking water, act as flood mitigation, facilitate recreational activities, and serve many more functions. These services are related to aquatic ecosystems and to the interaction with water and land in areas such as forests, agricultural lands, riparian areas, wetlands, and water bodies. Water resources in these systems are sensitive to landscape changes and have been significantly modified worldwide due to changes in land-use and land-cover. Ávila-García et al. (2020) explore the forest-water nexus and provide an overview of the water management related to potential hydrological impacts of land-use and land-cover change in a watershed in southeastern Mexico.

The Río Grande de Comitán-Lagos de Montebello watershed is located in the region of highlands of Chiapas which exhibits high biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity. Water ecosystem services are reported to be of vital importance to the watershed’s social-ecological functioning. However…

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One thought on “Water is Life: Exploring the Forest-Water Nexus in a Mexican Watershed

  1. Water is an indispensable resource but pressures on freshwater resources across the world are growing rapidly due to population growth, increased industrial activities, urbanization, and of course changing lifestyles. India like the other countries is severely in-immune to these water pressures, in fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to the say – Water pressures in our country is being felt much more rapidly than expected. Read this blog – https://econaur.com/water-conservation-methods-using-products-that-reduce-water-use-in-buildings/

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