Harmonising Biodiversity Conservation and Food Security: Five Years of Research in Southwestern Ethiopia


The southwest of Ethiopia is home to a rich variety of animal and plant species – many of them endemic or threatened. These species, in combination with intense human pressure on land, make the region a globally recognized biodiversity hotspot and thus highly relevant for conservation. At the same time, millions of people in the area strive to improve their food security and general well-being. Understanding and governing the intersection of biodiversity conservation and food security needs to take different elements of the social-ecological system of southwestern Ethiopia into consideration to enable context-specific action. This task is both highly complex and acute.

Over the past five years, a group of scientists from diverse disciplinary backgrounds collaboratively conducted research at several study sites in southwestern Ethiopia. A recently published book by the interdisciplinary research collaboration now offers a summary of the findings and insights generated during that time (Manlosa et al…

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